Travel Posts

12 Fun Off-Broadway, Non-Country Music Activities in Nashville

Even if you aren’t a country fan, don’t write Nashville off! We have spent plenty of time away from Broadway (the country hub for tourists) and have found fun activities that go beyond the typical music scene.

Multiple Homes

When I think about how my heart is connected to multiple places, I find myself in a familiar cycle: saddened by the reality of it, annoyed at myself for feeling sad because only those with a certain level of privilege are fortunate enough to identify with this, and then grateful that I have been able to carve out a home for myself in several different places.

Intentional Choices that Hurt Our Travel Life

we need to make a confession: we make a lot of decisions that hurt our travel opportunities. We are normal people and we strongly believe that a big part of having happy lives is making sure you’re not just counting down to the next vacation, and instead truly enjoying each day. So here are some of the things we do that are working against our travel life, and that’s okay with us.

How We Use Our Budget to Maximize Travel & Spend Intentionally

Reflecting frequently helps to make sure how I spend my time and my money matches up with what I say I care about. When we don’t reflect on it, then we waste money on unnecessary things, cause ourselves undue stress, and often miss out on what makes us most happy.

How to make an old place feel new

How to Make an Old Place Feel New!

We can’t always go to a new place, although I often wish that was always possible, so here are some tips for how to make a usual stop feel like a completely new adventure!

How to Create a Budget

We don’t claim to be the experts here, but our own budget spreadsheet and tracking system has helped us consistently save money for travel over the past four years. Perhaps even more importantly, it gives us peace of mind to know what we can and can’t afford. Here’s how you can get started.

Greatest Travel Purchase We Ever Made

The best travel purchase we have ever made was our Honda Pilot. It is not necessarily the car, but the possibilities it opened for us. Here’s how it changed our life.

Great Memphis Family Eat Spots (that actually have great food)

I am here to tell you that Memphis has some spots that can make everyone happy, and they taste great to the adults, too. Our family consists of several picky eaters and a vegetarian, but these places manage to satisfy us all, time and time again.

Fitting in the Car

We bought our Honda Pilot specifically so trips like this were possible. Learn how we all fit and the places we’ve been.

First Thing I do in a New Place

First Thing I Do In a New Place

When there are new things to explore, see, and experience, what do I do first?! I’m always filled with a bit of excitement when I get to a new place. Here’s my routine.