Returning to a City

Returning to a City

Traveling to a new place and having all new experiences is one of our favorite things, but returning to a place with some familiarity is pretty great, too. Going away from normal life will always have great benefits for mental health and family bonding, but what is so great about returning to the same place?

Creating traditions is always fun.

The things I remember most about my childhood are the things we did repeatedly, whether it be a place we visited, a restaurant we ate at, or just something we did together over and over. One of the reasons I remember it so well was because it happened multiple times, but another is because of the anticipation. In a child’s life, looking forward to something makes it even better when you finally experience it.

One of our family traditions is spending several days over Thanksgiving on Cape Cod with my dad’s extended family. There’s nothing new about the house or the activities, but that’s what makes these my favorite days of the year. And now Evan and the kids love returning to a place we know well and traditions we cherish as a family. The picture above is from a trip to the Memphis Zoo the year we got a membership. The zoo is so expansive and impressive that we were able to visit several times and still be excited for each trip.

Getting something familiar can still feel different.

Humans are creatures of habit, and being able to know you are about to choose a great meal or an activity that everyone enjoys is always nice. When you visit a place again, you know what you are getting, but it is still different from what you have available in your day-to-day life. There is a huge sense of accomplishment when I am in a new place and find something awesome, whether it is a running trail, a great spot for live music, or a delicious meal. It makes me want to come back again.

I love running on the Arkansas River Trail in Little Rock. It’s my favorite part of the city. Now I look forward to my monthly trips there for work, so I can run it again.

Maximizing your time because you know your way around.

I love exploring a new city and getting my bearings in new surroundings. But there is also something to be said for arriving in a city where you already know how to navigate from neighborhood to neighborhood.

When we went to Nashville recently with my sister and Sarah’s dad, we knew exactly where to stop on the way to the Airbnb to pick up dinner, we knew which neighborhood would have several breweries within walking distance, and we knew how to beat the rush at our favorite breakfast spot. Because of our familiarity with the city, our guests had a fun experience and we had plenty of time for some new activities.

Finding what makes a place great other than the top tourist destinations.

Whether you like the feeling or not, we are tourists in other places. When you know very little about the place, you tend to experience what that place is famous for. Often those experiences are truly awesome (there is a reason everyone knows about it), but there are usually other great things there that fly under the radar of tourist. People who live in that location have their own favorite spots. When you go to a place multiple times, you tend to head off the beaten path and stumble upon some of these great experiences. 

If you were visiting Burlington, Vermont, your research would probably point you in the direction of some fantastic restaurants, the Lake Champlain waterfront, and some local mountain towns for skiing/snowboarding/hiking. But living in the Burlington area for four years, hosting many visitors, and returning many times ourselves, we have an endless list of our own must-see places. Mt. Philo is one of those spots that tends to fly under the radar of tourist. It’s a leisurely hike with unparalleled views of the Champlain Valley. We suggest it to anyone we know visiting, but the average tourist rarely knows.

What are some great places that you have found and always look forward to returning to?