Tag: intentional travel

Why do we write about moments?

Being grateful is extremely important to us. We feel that gratitude is the greatest way to find pleasure and happiness in our lives. When we stop to remember the joy we felt in a particular moment, it is like saying ‘thank you’ for how great life can be. We love reflecting on and appreciating moments, and also having systems to make sure we continually create those moments.

Travel moments are what make it worth doing. Sure, going to Costa Rica is awesome because of the weather, natural beauty, and cool people. That is true for everyone though. It is the specific, personal moments that made our visit to Costa Rica memorable, and why it will always be a special place for us. Like dancing around a bonfire on the beach, drinks in hand, at midnight on New Year’s Eve with friends we just made. Or waking up in the attic of our backpackers, with an open door to a private balcony with a hammock overlooking the ocean. Specific moments like these are always better than the generic reasons everyone can name.  Over time we will share lots of these moments with you, with some explanations and back stories. Keep scrolling to see the moments we are most grateful for!

First Thing I do in a New Place

First Thing I Do In a New Place

When there are new things to explore, see, and experience, what do I do first?! I’m always filled with a bit of excitement when I get to a new place. Here’s my routine.

Reflections on Our Campervan Vacations

Reflections on our Campervan Vacations

I have been following traveling families on Instagram for years, and most of my favorites are the adventurous but low-maintenance people living full-time in a van. Here’s what I learned when I gave it a try for a couple vacations.

Campervan on the California Coast

Campervan on the California Coast

In 2016, I fulfilled a dream of living in a van. By “live” I mean “rent for five days,” but regardless, it was a blast. Check out some tips from our trip.

Austin: Millennial Food Dream

Austin: The Millennial Food Dream (especially for vegetarians and people with other dietary restrictions)

Food that tastes good, is made with real ingredients, and is available in comfortable settings is one of the greatest contributions that Millennials have given our culture.

Rooted Nomads Travel Superpowers

(Travel) Superpowers

Everyone has their own strengths, and in my mind that means we all have our own superpowers. Certainly when I look at Sarah and see how she is so strong in my areas of weakness, they truly seem like superpowers to me. I completed a list for her and her for me.