Tag: priorities

Why do we write about moments?

Being grateful is extremely important to us. We feel that gratitude is the greatest way to find pleasure and happiness in our lives. When we stop to remember the joy we felt in a particular moment, it is like saying ‘thank you’ for how great life can be. We love reflecting on and appreciating moments, and also having systems to make sure we continually create those moments.

Travel moments are what make it worth doing. Sure, going to Costa Rica is awesome because of the weather, natural beauty, and cool people. That is true for everyone though. It is the specific, personal moments that made our visit to Costa Rica memorable, and why it will always be a special place for us. Like dancing around a bonfire on the beach, drinks in hand, at midnight on New Year’s Eve with friends we just made. Or waking up in the attic of our backpackers, with an open door to a private balcony with a hammock overlooking the ocean. Specific moments like these are always better than the generic reasons everyone can name.  Over time we will share lots of these moments with you, with some explanations and back stories. Keep scrolling to see the moments we are most grateful for!

Why We Will Never Be Nomads

Scrolling through the ‘gram, reading travel blogs, listening to podcasts about location independence, and scouring all the other places cool full-time travelers are sharing their experiences always makes us desire to ditch the house and jobs and head out to explore the world full time. However, we (probably) will never be full-time travelers and it comes down to two main reasons.

How to Find Cool Accommodations

I want to experience my destination to the absolute fullest from the moment I arrive until the moment I leave. If I want to do that, then my accommodation better allow me to do it. I’ll share how you can find these unique accommodations, too!

Intentional Choices that Hurt Our Travel Life

we need to make a confession: we make a lot of decisions that hurt our travel opportunities. We are normal people and we strongly believe that a big part of having happy lives is making sure you’re not just counting down to the next vacation, and instead truly enjoying each day. So here are some of the things we do that are working against our travel life, and that’s okay with us.

How We Use Our Budget to Maximize Travel & Spend Intentionally

Reflecting frequently helps to make sure how I spend my time and my money matches up with what I say I care about. When we don’t reflect on it, then we waste money on unnecessary things, cause ourselves undue stress, and often miss out on what makes us most happy.