Tag: rooted nomads

Why do we write about moments?

Being grateful is extremely important to us. We feel that gratitude is the greatest way to find pleasure and happiness in our lives. When we stop to remember the joy we felt in a particular moment, it is like saying ‘thank you’ for how great life can be. We love reflecting on and appreciating moments, and also having systems to make sure we continually create those moments.

Travel moments are what make it worth doing. Sure, going to Costa Rica is awesome because of the weather, natural beauty, and cool people. That is true for everyone though. It is the specific, personal moments that made our visit to Costa Rica memorable, and why it will always be a special place for us. Like dancing around a bonfire on the beach, drinks in hand, at midnight on New Year’s Eve with friends we just made. Or waking up in the attic of our backpackers, with an open door to a private balcony with a hammock overlooking the ocean. Specific moments like these are always better than the generic reasons everyone can name.  Over time we will share lots of these moments with you, with some explanations and back stories. Keep scrolling to see the moments we are most grateful for!

Best Swimming Spots

We both grew up in the water, spending our summers on Cape Cod and the Jersey Shore. Stumbling upon new swimming spots always excites us, so we’ve started a list of our favorite places to cool off!

Favorite Meals

We love to eat, but we are not much into fine dining and do not have fancy taste. Here’s a list of our favorite meals around the world.

Coolest Places We’ve Stayed

We love to find unique places to stay when traveling, and we prefer to avoid hotels whenever possible. Here are some of our favorites!

Favorite Natural Wonders and Scenic Views

Here’s a list of the most stunning places we have visited so far in our travels!

Favorite Museums & Historic Sites

Some sites made the list because they are fun and full of happy memories for us. Others are on here because they teach hard but important truths about history and how humans have treated each other in this country and around the world.

Times Square Through My Kids Eyes

They want to go to New York City. Not museums. Not a festival of some kind. Not a show. Not a historic tour. They wanted to go to the New York City that existed in their mind, and I knew that meant Times Square. The New York that they would recognize from movies. And, more importantly, the New York that all their friends would recognize in the pictures they were sure to post on social media.

Smoky Mountain Hangout

And then it happened: it was like it just clicked. Every kid, on their own, found something that peaked their interest. Some were skipping rocks, others just sitting and enjoying the view, some looking at the small bugs and fish they could find, and others trying to balance on logs.

Sharing Alliot Grilled Cheeses

After three years of teaching the same group of students, St. Mike’s hadn’t just become this legendary place to me, but for many of my students, too. They had heard endless stories about the place, had earned tons of SMC swag in my classroom, and had even met some of the people from my stories when they came to visit me. This led me and Sarah to decide to offer a spring break trip for students to visit the Northeast, with St. Mike’s being the big attraction.

Red Chilli Ride

There was no one else in the world besides me, Sarah, and the cool breeze on my face as we rode through an empty city feeling the freedom of our young existence in a foreign country. Possibilities were endless, our love infinite, and the smiles on our faces miles long… or at least that’s the feeling I get when I remember it.