Tag: the rooted nomads

Malayaka Gym

Malayaka House is a place of infinite possibilities and is constantly changing, yet it always feels the same each time you are there. Things change because there are 36+ kids these days and they grow, their interests change, and each volunteer that visits shares something a little different. It is why this place is great to visit once, and even greater to visit often.

Maisie’s Marathon Loveseat

When I have a long race coming up, I plan to get some extra rest, more hydration, and sit a little more than usual in order to prepare my legs. Other people do a number of more extreme or elaborate things. Maisie isn’t one of these other people. She is one of the easiest to please people I know, especially when the annoyances or discomforts are for the sake of more quality time with people she loves.

Sharing a Vacation House with Friends

I love when I get to spend time, whether it’s a weekend or full week, living in one house with friends or family. There was something magical about spending 24 hours each day in close proximity to people you love.

Jalama Beach

When we made it around the final right-hand curve and suddenly the Pacific Ocean was below us to our left. We timed it perfectly, unknowingly, as the sun was about to set into the water.

Floating on the Nile

Laying in the refreshing water with the sun beating down on me, the gorgeous landscape along the Nile River made me second guess that this was real life. It was one of those rare moments in life when I’ve stopped and thought to myself “life is perfect right now.”

Elephant Nightmare

“Don’t move or make a sound so you don’t get trampled by the elephant” was the only thought going through my head as I was awoken from my sleep in what I believed could have been the my last moments.

Disappearing Plunge

I saw Matt jump in the middle of the giant rock he was standing on, and then disappear into it. I had no idea where he went. He didn’t jump off. He didn’t land. But just submerged into the rock. Completely vanished.

Dawayne’s Fire

Sitting around a fire with people I love is one of my favorite activities. This was one classic summer vacation activity that I wanted to share with the kids. As I walked to the fire, Dawayne came with me.

bagel hike1

Bagel Hike

Of all the things to know about me, the fact that bagels, pizza, and pasta are my favorite foods is one of the most important. I am a Jersey boy and that is how we are trained. Arkansas is not the best place to find any of those things, so when I’m planning to travel I will start searching for great places to get my fix a few weeks ahead of time.

Dipping in Buffalo Bay

Our spring break trip in South Africa included visiting an elephant sanctuary, riding ostriches, exploring underground caves, ziplining through a forest, and jumping off the highest bungee bridge in the world. However, one of the moments that remains most vivid, even nine years later, took place late one evening on a quiet beach.