Tag: Uganda

Best Swimming Spots

We both grew up in the water, spending our summers on Cape Cod and the Jersey Shore. Stumbling upon new swimming spots always excites us, so we’ve started a list of our favorite places to cool off!

Coolest Places We’ve Stayed

We love to find unique places to stay when traveling, and we prefer to avoid hotels whenever possible. Here are some of our favorites!

Favorite Natural Wonders and Scenic Views

Here’s a list of the most stunning places we have visited so far in our travels!

Red Chilli Ride

There was no one else in the world besides me, Sarah, and the cool breeze on my face as we rode through an empty city feeling the freedom of our young existence in a foreign country. Possibilities were endless, our love infinite, and the smiles on our faces miles long… or at least that’s the feeling I get when I remember it.

Malayaka Gym

Malayaka House is a place of infinite possibilities and is constantly changing, yet it always feels the same each time you are there. Things change because there are 36+ kids these days and they grow, their interests change, and each volunteer that visits shares something a little different. It is why this place is great to visit once, and even greater to visit often.

Floating on the Nile

Laying in the refreshing water with the sun beating down on me, the gorgeous landscape along the Nile River made me second guess that this was real life. It was one of those rare moments in life when I’ve stopped and thought to myself “life is perfect right now.”

Rwanda & Lake Bunyonyi

While living in Uganda we took a week-long vacation to Rwanda and western Uganda. Here’s what you need to know about traveling to Kigali and Lake Bunyonyi.